
How Do You Know if your Toddler Needs Glasses?

How Do You Know if your Toddler Needs Glasses?

There are countless people out there who depend on corrective lenses to help them see. Sometimes, people need prescription glasses from an early age. While some people might hesitate to get their children glasses, the reality is that children need to be able to see clearly to make sure they are growing and developing appropriately. Therefore, it is important for every parent to be able to spot the signs that their toddler might need glasses. Furthermore, there are a few reasons why it is important for children to make sure they get their eyes checked on a regular basis.

Toddler prescription glasses

Signs to Look for if Your Toddler Needs Glasses

There are a few signs that indicate a toddler might need glasses. Some of the most common signs include:

  • Tilting: If your toddler is tilting his or her head from side to side, it is a sign that he or she is having trouble seeing and should visit the eye doctor.
  • Covering One Eye: Sometimes, toddlers find it easier to cover one eye in order to see. This could be a sign of an illness called amblyopia that should be corrected as quickly as possible. This is one of the most common eye disorders in children.
  • Sitting Closer to the TV: If a toddler keeps moving closer to the TV, this could be a sign that he or she is having trouble seeing. This might be a sign that your toddler needs to have glasses.
  • Rubbing the Eyes Continuously: Finally, children who are having trouble seeing are going to develop eye fatigue after a while. When this happens, they start to rub their eyes. This could be a sign that glasses are needed.

These are a few of the most common signs that a toddler might need to have glasses. Parents need to know how often to get their kids’ eyes checked.

Annual Eye Exams are Important

The short answer to the question is that parents need to make sure their kids’ eyes are checked at least once per year. Furthermore, kids should take their first visit to the eye doctor around the age of one. The fact is that there are some eye problems that an eye doctor can detect that kids might not even know they have. After this first visit, kids need to get their eyes checked once per year. A simple chart reading at the primary care doctor’s office is not enough. Kids need to have their visual fields, ocular pressures, pupils, retinas, and nerves checked by a trained eye doctor at least once per year.

How to Order Glasses Online

Some parents might not know that they do not have to get their glasses at the same place they get their kids' eyes checked. At the time of the visit, your child's eyeglasses prescription should be registered in their system following an exam. Simply ask for a copy at the end of the exam. Most clinicians will provide this information automatically. If you forget, that isn't a problem. You can call the clinic and request one.

If a parent is looking at ordering glasses online for their child, there are a few steps to follow. These include:

  • Choose the Frames: Select the frames online first. There are plenty of styles to choose from, so select the one that your child might like.
  • Enter the Prescription: Next, take the prescription from the eye doctor and enter this into the appropriate box. Remember that contacts and glasses can differ in their prescriptions, so choose the right one.
  • Choose the Lens: Take a look at the different options that are available for lenses. Try to find one that is more durable.
  • Pay for the Glasses: Finally, enter the payment information to complete the purchase.

Parents might find it helpful to order a backup pair of glasses as well. Kids are prone to breaking and losing their eyeglasses. They can be stepped on, crushed, thrown out with lunch, or simply lost altogether. This can leave parents scrambling to find a replacement while their child cannot see. Therefore, it is a good idea to order a backup pair of eyeglasses as well, just in case.

Purchase Quality Toddler Prescription Glasses

Kids need to be able to see well. This is important for their academic and social development. At Goggles N’ More, we take great pride in the ocular products that we provide to children. Ranging from goggles to glasses and everything in between, we are here to help parents find the right products for their children. Shop kids prescription glasses today!

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