
How Do Polarized Lenses Work

How Do Polarized Lenses Work

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Understanding what polarized lenses are and how they work is important when you're on the market for any type of lens. Choosing polarized lenses is a great way to enhance visibility and comfort when you're using these lenses. Polarized lenses are especially helpful in any situation where the lens wearer is going to be around glare. This could be glare from the sun or glare reflecting off the surface of water. Polarized lenses are good in sunny situations. They're ideal in other situations as well. For example, polarized lenses can be helpful for driving because they reduce glare from the sun or headlights from reflecting off of windshields and other surfaces and thereby obstructing vision.

What it means when a lens is polarized

Polarized lenses are specially designed so that they filter out scattered sunlight and other types of light that cause glare. Polarized lenses do this through a special type of technology. They have a formulation built into them that acts as a sort of a curtain to keep out cumbersome glare that can obstruct the vision of the lens wearer.

Polarization will therefore make an individual's vision sharper and more precise in high glare situations. These situations could include while boating or engaging in activities out on the beach in bright sunlight. It's important for lens wearers to understand that UV blocking lenses are not necessarily polarized lenses. Basically all sunglass lenses are designed to block UV rays. However, only some are polarized. Polarized sunglasses will be labeled as polarized and won't be simply labeled as UV blocking.

How polarized lenses work

Polarized lenses have their ability to filter out glare thanks to the application of special chemical molecules. This chemical will block horizontal light as it passes through the lens. Basically, chemical coatings used on polarized lenses work as filters. Usually the chemical that is applied is laminated into the lens itself using a vertical pattern. This pattern and the chemical work together to alter light and change its organization. Any horizontal light is thereby blocked out so that glare doesn't go through the lens.

What are the advantages of polarized lenses?

If you see a comparison between images through polarized lenses and those that are not through polarized lenses, it's apparent that polarized vision is better in situations involving glare. Without polarization, certain spots of glare in one's field of vision can overwhelm the viewer and drown out a lot of the detail. With polarization, glare is controlled so that it doesn't create distractions or obstructions in one's field of vision.

As previously mentioned, polarized lenses are best for situations involving bright sunlight and surfaces like bodies of water or mechanical parts that sunlight will reflect off of to create glare. Polarized glasses are good for water sports, driving, and everyday outings in bright sunlight. For some individuals, polarized lenses are especially important. Those who are highly sensitive to light- like those who have undergone surgery for cataracts- often need polarized lenses to stay comfortable and healthy in brightly lit conditions.

Give polarized lenses a try to experience first-hand the benefits they offer!

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